How Your Home Energy Bills Can Benefit From Loft Insulation

A well-insulated loft will keep the heat of your home inside where it belongs instead of floating out into space. This can significantly reduce heating bills.

Upgrading your loft insulation (to at least 270mm depth) is an effective way to reduce energy bills, cut carbon footprint, and improve your house’s EPC rating. You might even qualify for a grant to help pay for the installation.

Reduced Energy Bills

Loft insulation prevents hot air rising from the lower levels of your home into the roof space. This means that heat stays inside and you can use less energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Around 25% of a typical uninsulated home’s heat escapes through the roof, according to the Energy Saving Trust (EST). Insulating the loft to a depth of 270mm can reduce this by up to 50%.

You should notice a reduction in your energy bills once the insulation is installed and you may even be eligible for a government or energy company grant to help cover installation costs (see the ECO scheme). Loft insulation also lasts for up to 40 years so it will pay for itself many times over.

Improved Indoor Comfort

Loft insulation creates a barrier between the warm air inside your property and the cold air outside, helping you to maintain a more comfortable living space. This also reduces condensation and helps to keep your house cooler in summer without relying on energy-hungry air conditioning, meaning that your energy bills will remain low.

In addition, loft insulation helps to minimise heat loss from your roof, meaning that you can reduce the amount of energy you use to stay cosy in winter. This energy efficiency improvement also helps to cut down on emissions and protect the environment.

Better Indoor Air Quality

In addition to reducing your energy bills, loft insulation can also improve your home’s indoor air quality. It provides a thermal barrier between your warm living space and cold outside air, ensuring that hot air doesn’t escape the house when it rises in winter and cooler air stays in during summer.

Without loft insulation, many homes lose up to 25% of their heat through the roof. Insulating your home can cut this amount, making it more cost-effective to use heating in the winter and helping you to reduce your household energy bills by up to PS110 a year.