For many people, their loft presents an inhospitable environment for a comfortable space. Whether due to poor design or simply being cramped, a loft presents little in terms of natural temperature control. If the cost and hassle of hiring a professional tradesman to perform the job for you have been putting you off, there s some good news. Insulating a loft is a task that you can easily accomplish on your own, if your attic is easy to access and doesn’t have any moisture or damp issues.

Ways To Insulate
There are two ways to insulate a loft: attic insulation or roof insulation. Attic insulation is generally used to keep warm lofts from losing heat through the walls, while roofs are used to keep heat out. If your loft insulation is thin and you live in an area with very cold winters, then you will want to insulate the attic. This method will be the most expensive option, but if you live in a fairly warm climate, it could save you money. If your loft insulation is thin, however, the warm lofts you have will be constantly losing heat through the roof and not heat through the walls.
There are two methods that you may wish to consider when insulating a loft: Ripping up the ceiling and installing insulation board. The first thing to remember when doing this process is that if your attic is not currently insulated, you will definitely need to install new insulation within the next few years. Also, if you attempt to take down the entire roof, you will almost certainly damage the building and increase your costs significantly. You may wish to invest in a quality set of tools and a few other materials so as to make sure you get everything done correctly.
Insulating a cavity wall is also an option, but this is generally not recommended for lofts. If you have a cavity wall without insulation, there is the chance that you will heat loss through this wall. Even if your loft does have insulation, there is still a chance that it will not have the proper warmth loss throughout the floor and ceiling. If you choose to use cavity wall insulation, then you should insulate both the interior and exterior walls, and hopefully, seal all gaps and cracks to keep heat loss to a minimum.

Options For Insulating A Loft
Installing a loose-fill insulating system is probably one of the easiest options for insulating a loft. If you choose to go this route, then it will be a simple task to simply install the material and put it in place. The nice thing about this system is that you do not have to rely on professional installation to complete the job; you will be able to handle the installation yourself and it will be an easy job that will only take a couple of hours.
As you can see, there are many benefits of insulating a loft with a loose-fill insulation system. This is a project that will help you save energy and money at the same time. In addition, it is a low-cost option that will provide you with high-quality results and will insulate your home from the extremes of both hot and cold.
Additional Heating Options
There are many people across the United Kingdom that are facing rising heating bills. The high cost of heating is taking its toll on people all over the UK and this is a problem that is becoming much worse in winter months as temperatures drop. Although there are some heating companies that are cutting down on their services, many people have had to accept the fact that they are going to have to put up with their high heating bills for another year or two. One thing that you can do in order to save yourself some money on heating bills each month is to take advantage of some of the following options:
One of the best heating options that you can get for the low cost is using space heaters. They provide instant heat which means that you will have heat when you need it. Although space heaters can be expensive, if you want to avoid having to run your heating system during the night then you should consider getting one. Not only will they heat up your home in the early hours but they will also heat up the entire building at night time which can be a huge energy saver. In the winter months, you may find that they are quite expensive but in the summertime, you will get them for free as they work by absorbing heat and then dispersing it around your home.

Installing an exhaust fan in your house can be very beneficial as they can help reduce the amount of heating that is required. If you have an older home, then you may find that you are getting up to ten percent less energy than normal when heating a room. These fans can be bought online or from some home improvement stores in your local area.